A cleaning lady with glasses

House cleaning - additional rules

  1. We do not wash lamps (the washing of lamps is only carried out when they are easily accessible from the floor surface).
  2. We never wash crystal lamps or crystal chandeliers.
  3. We do not wash large amounts of dishes by hand (no longer than a quarter per cleaning session).
  4. We do not water flowers or potted plants.
  5. We do not wash clothes (exception for laundry: we can start washing dirty bed linen after changing the bed linen, but only if there is a washing machine in the apartment).
  6. We do not change curtains.
  7. We do not carry out any small repairs such as e.g. replacement of light bulbs.
  8. We do not remove candle stains.
  9. We don't wash floors on our knees.
  10. We do not sort garbage.
  11. We don't fold clothes and we don't put clothes or laundry in wardrobes or cupboards.
  12. We do not clean after pets - this refers to e.g. litter boxes, cages, aquariums, etc. (we do not change shavings in rabbit cages, water in aquariums (fish, turtle), etc. We do not feed animals and we do not change their water. We do not walk dogs.
  13. We do not move around any furniture or big appliances (e.g. refrigerator or washing machine).
  14. We don't lift carpets and we don't whip or shake them either.
  15. TV screens, other screens - we only dry-wipe them. We can use special cleaning-agents intended for that, but only those that we receive from the customer and only for the sole responsibility of the customer.
  16. When we clean the fridge (extra service) we do not sort food and we also do not throw away any food, e.g. food that is moldy or past its best-before date.
  17. The cleaning refers to your home - all storage rooms, garages, yards and similar spaces are not included in home cleaning (refers to customers with detached houses).
  18. Scrubbing of joints is not included in house cleaning - however, this can be ordered as an extra service.